Our domestic and small business biodigesters
Our biodigesters include
Who is our target audience
our biodigesters
Complementary products of our biodigesters that may be of interest to you
Save money with your waste while you take care of the environment
What is a biodigester and how does it work?
A biodigester is an equipment where we transform organic waste into biogas, renewable gas, and organic liquid fertilizer:
By introducing through the inlet pipe waste such as food scraps, fruit and vegetable peel or animal manure, we feed the bacteria that live inside the biodigester or biogas plant.
These bacteria transform the waste into biogas for cooking, heating water or generating electricity.
The macro and micro nutrients that are not transformed into gas are dissolved in the water to generate organic fertilizer, perfect for application in orchards and gardens.
Its use is simple, and its maintenance is minimal. It only requires an eventual change of filters depending on the size of the biodigester, and you will be saving on your bills and reducing environmental impact.
Benefits of a biodigester
What wastes can be managed by a biodigester?
What our customers say about our biodigesters
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